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Glossary of Community Planning Terms

Acronym Definition
2LP Home Afordable Second Lien Program
ABA Annual Budget Authority (for HAP expenses in the HCV program)
ACA Annual Community Assessment
ACA Asset Control Area. FHA Single Family Housing designated area for special property sales initiatives.
ACC Annual Contributions Contract. Annual Contracts with Public Housing Authorities for payments towards rents, fnancing debt service and fnancing for modernization.
ACOP Admissions and Continued Occupancy Policy
ACRS Administration’s system for tracking requests for administrative services
ACS American Community Survey
ADA Americans With Disabilities Act (Section 504)
Adm Administration (HUD Office of)
AFGE American Federation of Government Employees. One of two (AFGE, NFFE) HUD employee unions. AFGE has national recognition.
AFFH Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing
AFR Applicable Federal Rate
AFS Annual Audited Financial Statements
AHAP Agreement to Enter into a Housing Assistance Payments Contract
AHS American Housing Survey
AI Analysis of Impediments (to fair housing); a part of Consolidated Plans
Allocation Budget Authority transferred from one agency
Allotment Authorization by authorized employee to subordinates to incur obligations
AMP Asset Management Project
Antidefciency Prohibits obligations or expenditures prior to appropriations or in excess of apportionment
APICs America’s Private Investment Companies
APP Annual Performance Plan
APPS Active Partners Performance System
Apportionment OMB distribution of authorized (appropriated) funds
Appropriations Statutory authority permitting agency to incur obligations
APR Annual Performance Report (Annual Progress Report for homeless programs)
ARAMS Automatic Renewal and Amendment Management Subsystem
ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
BEDI Brownfelds Economic Development Initiative. Grants, connected with 108 guaranteed loans to improve security of viability of projects.
BLI Budget Line Item (in LOCCS)
BLS Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor
BOSS Budget Outlay Support System
BRI Brownfelds Redevelopment Initiative. Interagency initiative addressing fnancial and legal risks of brownfeld clean-up and redevelopment.
Brownfelds Vacant or underutilized industrial and commercial properties that are environmentally contaminated
Budget Authority Legal authority to enter into fnancial obligations
CBD Commerce Business Daily
CDBG Community Development Block Grant (CPD program)
CEF Community Empowerment Fund; administered by CPD
CFCF Capital Fund Education and Training Community Facilities
CFFP Capital Fund Financing Program
CFO Chief Financial Officer (HUD Office of)
CFP Capital Fund Program
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CHAS Comprehensive Housing Afordability Strategy
CHDO Community Housing Development Organization. Nonproft housing provider receiving minimum of 15% of HOME Investment Partnership funds
CHRB Community Housing Resource Board. Organization assisting with voluntary compliance with fair housing laws.
CIO Chief Information Officer (HUD Office of)
CIR Congressional and Intergovernmental Relations (HUD Office of)
CITI Correcting Incorrect Tenant Identifers
CLPHA Council of Large Public Housing Authorities
CMHI Cooperative Management Housing Insurance Fund. One of four FHA funds
CO Contracting Officer
CoC Continuum of Care approach to assistance to the homeless
COCC Central Office Cost Center
Continuum of Care Federal program stressing permanent solutions to homelessness
COE Army Corps of Engineers
Con Plan Consolidated Plan; a locally developed plan for housing assistance and urban development under the Community Development Block Grant and other CPD programs
Contract Authority Statutory authority. Budget authority permitting contracting or obligations prior to an appropriation for payment.
COOP Continuity of Operations
CPD Community Planning and Development (HUD Office of)
CPO Chief Procurement Officer (HUD Office of)
CPU Cost Per Unit (Total Cost/Numer of Units)
CSI Community Strategies Institute
DAP Development Application Processing (FHA – Multifamily Housing)
DAP Downpayment Assistance Program (FHA – Single Family Housing)
DARTS Departmental Accounts Receivable Tracking/Collection System
Data Warehouse Information system storing HUD program and operational data
Davis Bacon Statutory requirement that persons working on federally assisted projects be paid at least minimum prevailing wage rates.
DCR Debt Coverage Ratio (NOI/Hard Debt)
DE Direct Endorsement. Program permitting lender processed and endorsed FHA mortgages.
DEC Departmental Enforcement Center
DGMS Departmental Grants Management System
DHAP Disaster Housing Assistance Program (HCV Program)
DM Data Mart
DOFA Date of Full Availability
DOT Declaration of Trust
DSCR Debt Service Coverage Ratio
DT Delivering Together
DUNS Dun and Bradstreet Numbering System
EA Environmental Assessment. Analysis to determine afect of a project on the environment. May lead to an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).
EC Enforcement Center (formally called Departmental Enforcement Center)
EC Enterprise Community
ED Executive Director
EDA Economic Development Administration (part of Dept. of Commerce)
EDI Economic Development Initiative (CPD program)
EDSC Elderly/Disabled Service Coordinator
EDSS Economic Development and Supportive Services (CPD program)
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity
EGI Efective Gross Income (GPR – Vacancy Loss + Other Income = EGI)
EHOP Equal Housing Opportunity Plan. Plan developed by Public Housing Agencies for use in Sec. 8 and Moderate Rehabilitation programs.
EIS Executive Information System. Designed for senior management for analysis
EIS Empowerment Information System. Programmed reports for top executives
EIS Environmental Impact Statement. Analysis of environmental impacts of a proposed project.
EIV Enterprise Income Verifcation
EMAD Econmic and Market Analysis Division
EMM Executive Management Meeting
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
EPACS (HUD) Executive Performance Accountability and Communication System (for performance plans for Senior Executives)
EPC Energy Performance Contracting
EPIC Energy Performance Information Center
EPLS Excluded Parties List System
EPPES Employee Performance Planning and Evaluation System. Used to measure/rate employee job performance.
ESG Emergency Shelter Grants (CPD program)
EVS Employee Viewpoint Survey
EZ Empowerment Zone
F47 see MFIS
FA Financial Analyst
FAIR Federal Activities Inventory Reform (FAIR) Act of 1998
Fair Housing Act 1968 act (amended in 1974 and 1988) providing HUD Secretary with fair housing enforcement and investigation responsibilities
Fannie Mae See FNMA
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation
FASPHA Financial Assessment Subsystem
FASS Financial Assessment Subsystem
FBCO Faith-Based and Community Organizations
FDS Financial Data Schedule
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Administration
FERA Front-End Risk Assessments (FERAs) are documented reviews by management of a component’s susceptibility to waste, fraud, abuse and mismanagement. FERAs are conducted on new or sustantially revised programs or administrative functions.
FFS Federal Financial System
FFY Federal Fiscal Year
FHA Federal Housing Administration (HUD Office of Housing)
FHAP Fair Housing Assistance Program (FHEO program). Program assisting state/local government with processing fair housing complaints.
FHEO Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity (HUD Office of)
FHIP Fair Housing Initiatives Program (FHEO program). Program to assist state/local government, community groups and housing resource boards to combat housing discrimination.
FHLBB Federal Home Loan Bank Board
FHLMC Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation. Federally chartered stockholder owned corporation supporting secondary market for conventional mortgages.
FLRA Federal Labor Relations Authority
FMC Financial Management Center (Section 8; under PIH)
FMD Financial Management Division (Public Housing)
FMR Fair Market Rent (maximum rent for Section 8 rental assistance)
FMS Facilities Management Specialist
FNMA Federal National Mortgage Association. Federally chartered, stockholder owned corporation supporting secondary market for FHA, VA and conventional mortgages.
FOIA Freedom of Information Act
FONSI Finding of No Signifcant Impact. Environmental Assessment fnding that a project will not signifcantly afect the quality of human life.
FPM Field Policy and Management (HUD Office of)
Freddie Mac See FHLMC
FSI Financial Systems Integration
FSS Family Self-Sufficiency program
FTE Full-time equivalent (employee) (2080 hours of paid employment)
FUP Family Unifcation Program
FWG Field Working Group
FY Fiscal year
GI General Insurance Fund (one of four FHA insurance funds)
GIMS Grants Interface Management System
Ginnie Mae (HUD) Government National Mortgage Association
GIS Geographic Information System
GMC Grants Management Center (under Public and Indian Housing)
GMP Grants Management Process
GMS Grants Management System
GNND Good Neighbor Next Door-program for sale of Single Family Properties in revitalization areas to law enforcement officers, frefghters, emergency medical technicians and teachers in order to improve neighborhood security
GPO Government Printing Office
GPR Gross Potential Rent (Number of Units x Monthly Rent x 12 (months/annual) = GPR)
GPRA Government Performance and Results Act. Requires Federal Agencies to establish performance standards and report on results.
GSA General Services Administration
GTM Government Technical Monitor (for contracts)
GSE Government Sponsored Enterprises (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac)
GTR Government Technical Representative (for contracts)
HAMP Home Afordable Modifcation Program
HAP Housing Assistance Payments
HAP Housing Assistance Plan. Housing plans required by CDBG program.
HARP Home Afordable Refnance Program
HART HUD’s Assistance and Recovery Team
HCA Housing Credit Agency
HCA Housing Counseling Agency
HCV Housing Choice Voucher
HERA Housing and Economic Recovery Act
HERFORU HEREMS Field Office Reporting Utility aka HEREMS
HFA Housing Finance Agency. State or local agencies responsible for fnancing and preserving low/mod housing within a state.
HHS Health and Human Services (U.S. Department of)
HIFMIP HUD Integrated Financial Management Improvement Project
HIPRS HUD Integrated Performance Reporting System (HIPRS) application tracks and reports accomplishments on the national Management Plan goals in Headquarters and the local goals in the Field offices.
HMDA Home Mortgage Disclosure Act. 1975 Act, amended 1989, requires mortgage lending institutions to collect and disclose information on their lending practices.
HOC Homeownership Center (FHA – Single Family Housing feld structure)
HOME Home Investment Partnerships (CPD program)
HOPE VI Program for Revitalization of Severely Distressed Public Housing (PIH program)
HOPWA Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (CPD program)
HQS Housing Quality Standards
HUD U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
HUDCAPS HUD Central Accounting Processing System
HUDCLIPS HUD Client Information and Policy Systems
HUDstat Internal Reporting System
HUD-VASH HUD-Veterans Afairs Supportive Housing program
HUSM HUD Utility Schedule Model
IBS Integrated Business System
ICDBG Indian Community Development Block Grant program
IDA Individual Development Account
IDIS Integrated Disbursement and Information System (CPD system)
IG Inspector General (HUD Office of)
IHA Indian Housing Authorities
IHBG Indian Housing Block Grants program
IMS or (IMS- PIC) Inventory Management System
IPA Independent Public Accountant
IPA Intergovernmental Personnel Act. Permits temporary assignment of employees to public and private sector.
IPIA Improper Payments Information Act
IRR Internal Rate of Return
IRV Traditional method of determing property values (NOI/Cap Rate = Value)
IT Information Technology
ITIM Information Technology Investment Management
LAS Loan Accounting System; direct loans
LASS Lender Assessment Subsystem
LDRS (HUD) Leadership Development Recognition System (incentive awards system for executives, managers and supervisors)
LGBT Collectively refers to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community
LIHTC Low Income Housing Tax Credit
LM Loan Management
LMR Labor Management Relations
LOCCS Line of Credit Control System
LDP Limited Denials of Participation
LR Labor Relations (usually in reference to HUD programmatic compliance with Davis-Bacon and related Acts)
MAHRA Multifamily Assisted Housing Reform and Afordability Act of 1997
MAP Multifamily Accelerated Processing (FHA-Multifamily Housing process)
MAPS Monitoring and Planning System
MARS Multifamily Accounting Reporting and Servicing System aka CSMS; HUD-held loans
MBA Mortgage Bankers Association
MBE Minority Business Enterprise
MBS Mortgage-Backed Securities (for secondary market issued by Ginnie Mae)
MDDR Multifamily Delinquency and Default Reporting
MFHRHIIP Multifamily Housing Rental Housing Integrity Improvement Project
MFIS Multifamily Insurance System aka F47-insured loans
MHA Making Home Afordable
MIS Management Information System
MLIS Mortgage Lending Information System
M&M Management and Marketing. Single Family program to manage and market acquired properties using contractors.
MMIF or MMI Mutual Mortgage Insurance Fund (one of four FHA funds)
MSPB Merit Systems Protection Board. Independent agency which hears and adjudicates federal employees’ allegations of abuse of merit principles.
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
MTCS Multifamily Tenant Characteristics System
MTW Moving to Work
NACO National Association of Counties
NAHASDA Native American Housing Assistance Self-Determination Act
NAHB National Association of Home Builders
NAHRO National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials
NAPA National Academy of Public Administration
NAR National Association of Realtors
NAREB National Association of Real Estate Brokers
National Partnership for Reinventing Government Formally known as NPR (National Performance Review). Review of federal government operations resulting in recommendations for improvement.
NCHS National Center for Health Statistics
NCSBCS National Conference of States on Building Codes and Standards
NED Non-Elderly Disabled
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
NFC National Finance Center
NFFE National Federation of Federal Employees (one of 2 employee unions in HUD)
NGMS Next Generation Management System
NIBS National Institute of Building Sciences
NOFA (HUD) Notice of Funding Availability
NOI Net Operating Income (EGI – Operating Expenses = NOI)
NPV Net Present Value
NRP Nuisance Remedy Program
NSF National Science Foundation
NSP Neighborhood Stabilization Program
NTO National Tenant’s Organization
OCHCO Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer
ODEEO (HUD) Office of Departmental Equal Employment Opportunity
ODOC (HUD) Office of Departmental Operations and Coordination
Officer Next Door/OND HUD sale of Single Family Properties in revitalization areas to police officers in order to improve neighborhood security. Now Good Neighbor Next Door (GNND)
OFFP Operating Fund Financing Program
OFND Operating Fund Program
OGC (HUD) Office of General Counsel
OHHLHC (HUD) Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control
OIG Office of Inspector General
OLHC See Office of Healthy Homes and Lead Hazard Control
OLR (HUD) Office of Labor Relations-now OLSE
OLSE (HUD) Office of Labor Standards and Enforcement
OMB U.S. Office of Management and Budget
OMB Circular A-76 Policies and procedures to determine if work should be contracted or performed in-house
OMB Circular A-102 Policies for Federal Departments for establishing and maintaining internal controls in program and administrative activities
OMHAR (HUD) Office of Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring
ONAP Office of Native American Programs
Operating Subsidies Payments authorized by the U.S. Housing Act of 1937 for operating costs of low-rent public housing projects.
OPIIS Online Property Integrated Information Suite formerly NASS
OPM Office of Personnel Management
OPPLI Office of Policy, Program, and Legislative Initiatives
Outlay Measure of government spending for budget purposes. Any type of funds used to liquidate a federal obligation.
OSDBU (HUD) Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization
P&F program and funding (budget table)
PACS HUD Performance Accountability and Communication System (for managers and supervisors)
PAE Participating Administrative Entity. Organization eligible to implement mortgage restructuring and rental assistance sufficiency (Restructuring) Plans. ( multifamily housing assistance restructuring)
PAS Program Accounting System; grants
PASS Physical Inspection Assessment Subsystem
PATH Partnership for Advancing Technology in Housing (PD&R program)
PATH Prevention Assistance and Temporary Housing (Homeless program )
PBCA Performance Based Contract Administrator
PBVP Project-Based Voucher Program
PEL Project Expense Level
PD Property Disposition. Disposition of real property.
PD Position Description. Description of the functions of a position
PD&R Policy Development and Research (HUD Office of)
PFS Performance Funding System. Formula used to calculate the amount of operating subsidies required by each PHA to operate it’s public housing.
PFS Pre-Foreclosure sale (REO program)
PHA Public Housing Authority
PHARS Public Housing Authority Recovery and Sustainability Initiative
PHAS Public Housing Assessment System (under REAC)
PHDEP Public Housing Drug Enforcement Program (PIH program)
PHMAP Public Housing Management Assessment Program (under PIH)
PHRS Public Housing Revitalization Specialist
PIC Public and Indian Housing Information Center
PIH Public and Indian Housing (HUD Office of)
PILOT Payment in Lieu of Taxes
PJs Participating Jurisdictions (in HOME program)
PMS Portfolio Management Specialist (Public and Indian Housing)
PMS Property Management System (Multifamily)
POST PIH One Stop Tool
PTR Post Technical Reviews
PUM Per Unit Month
PV Present Value
QHWRA Quality Housing and Work Responsibility Act
QMR (HUD) Quality Management Review program (for oversight of feld operations)
RAD Rental Assistance Demonstration
RAMPS Recovery Act Management and Performance System
REAC (HUD) Real Estate Assessment Center
REAP Resource Estimation and Allocation Process (under Chief Financial Officer)
REMIC Real Estate Mortgage Investment Conduit (under Ginnie Mae)
REMS Real Estate Management System (under REAC)
Rent Supplement Payments to owners of private housing on behalf of qualifed low income tenants. (Housing and Urban Development Act of 1965).
Rental Rehabilitation Grants to cities and states for rehabilitation of rental housing. (Housing Act of 1937)
REO real estate owned (in reference to defaulted FHA-insured properties)
Reservation Set-aside of funds for a particular program initiative.
RESPA Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act. Requires lenders to provide borrowers under Federal loan or mortgage insurance programs to receive specifc loan transaction information.
RHF Replacement Housing Factor
RHIIP Rental Housing Integrity Improvement Project
RFP Request for Proposals. Used to solicit proposals for contracts under the negotiated procurement method.
RFQ Request for Quotations. Used to solicit price quotes under the simplifed acquisition procurement method.
RIF Reduction In Force. Action by management to reduce or adjust an agency’s workforce.
RMI Removed from Inventory
ROI Rate on Investment (Cash Flow/Initial Investment)
ROSS Resident Opportunity and Supportive Services
S+C Shelter Plus Care
S&E salaries and expenses appropriation
SAC Special Applications Center (under PIH)
SAMA Site Appraisal and Market Analysis. Required for commitment of FHA mortgage insurance on most Multifamily Projects and large subdivisions.
SAVE Systematic Alien Verifcation for Entitlements Program
Schedule A Excepted appointment for positions which are not practical to examine
Schedule B Excepted appointment to positions for which there is not competitive exams
Schedule C Appointment exempt from competitive procedures for individuals involved in setting Presidential policies or serving in confdential positions reporting to policy makers.
SCS2 Strong Cities, Strong Communities
Section 3 Obligates PHAs to aford resident access to jobs and contracting opportunities created by federal funding
Section 5(h) Permits PHAs to sell all or part of a public housing development to eligible residents
Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment Program (Housing and Community Development Act of 1974)
Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher Program (Housing and Community Development Act of 1974)
Section 8(a) Small Business Act authorizing SBA to enter into contracts with other federal agencies for goods and services. SBA then subcontracts work with eligible small frms.
Section 8 FMC Section 8 Financial Management Center (under PIH)
Section 9 Operating Subsidies See Operating Subsidies
Section 184 Loan Guarantee Program
Section 202 Loans for construction/rehab of housing for the elderly or handicapped
Section 203 Basic FHA Single Family mortgage insurance program.
Section 108 Section 108 Loan Guarantee Program (under CPD)
Section 202/811 Programs for housing assistance to the elderly and people with disabilities
Section 207 Basic FHA multifamily insurance program
Section 221(d) (2) FHA Single Family Mortgage insurance for low/moderate income families
Section 221(d) (3) FHA mortgage insurance for Multifamily housing for low/moderate income families.
Section 223(e) FHA mortgage insurance with housing in older declining neighborhoods
Section 223(f) FHA mortgage insurance to refnance existing multifamily housing
Section 231 Mortgage insurance for housing constructed or rehabilitated primarily for elderly persons
Section 235 FHA single family mortgage insurance with subsidies on interest for low/moderate income families
Section 236 FHA multifamily mortgage insurance with subsidies on interest for low/moderate income projects
SEMAP Section 8 Management Assessment Program
SES Senior Executive Service. Personnel/Payroll system for executives. (Civil Service Act of 1978)
SHP Supportive Housing Program
SLR Subsidy Layering Review
Source Evaluation Board Group of HUD officials responsible for reviewing proposals on competitive contracts of more than $500,000
Special Risk Insurance Fund One of four FHA funds used primarily for higher risk programs (eg. Section 235; Section 223(e)
SRI Special Risk Insurance Fund (of FHA)
SRO Single-Room Occupancy. Mortgage insurance under Section 221(d) for single room apartments.
STARS System for tracking calls requesting computer-related assistance
START Neighborhood Networks Strategic Tracking and Reporting Tool
Super NOFA HUD’s consolidated approach to issuance of Notices of Funding Availability
TAC Technical Assistance Center (REAC Helpdesk)
TANF Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
TARC Troubled Agency Recovery Center (under PIH)
TASS Tenant Assessment Subsystem
TDAT Tribal Directory Assessment Tool
TDHEs Tribally Designated Housing Entities
TEAPOTS Title VIII Paperless Office and Tracking System (FHEO system)
Title I (HCD 1974) Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (CDBG) authorized CDBG
Title I (NHA 1937) Title I of the National Housing Act of 1937 provided FHA insurance for home improvements and mobile homes.
Title VI Loan Guarantee Program
TLI Targeted Lending Initiative (of Ginnie Mae)
TRACS Tenant Rental Assistance Certifcation System
Turnkey Completed housing unit initially fnanced and constructed by private sponsor and purchased by PHA
UEL Utilities Expense Level
UFAS Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards
UMA Unit Months Available
UML Unit Months Leased
UNP Formerly known as UNA Unrestricted Net Assets will now be referred to as Unrestricted Net Position
UPCS Uniform Physical Condition Standards
USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture
USHA United States Housing Act of 1937
VA Veterans Afairs (U.S. Department of)
VASH HUD-Veterans Afairs Supportive Housing Program
VAWA Violence Against Women Act and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act of 2005
VCA Voluntary Compliance Agreement. Conciliation agreement signed by a complainant to resolve a complaint.
VMS Voucher Management System
WASS Web Access Security Subsystem
Youthbuild HUD program to promote apprenticeships for needy youth in building trades